How To Book in for Swimming Lessons on First Class


This guide is to be used to book your child over the age of 3 in for swimming lessons. They should have already had an assessment and you should know their level. If you need to book them in for an assessment, please click here

If you're not sure, please don't hesitate to drop us a line and email us at - we will be happy to help you navigate your sea of questions!

  1. Log into the First Class Parent Portal using this link

  1. On the left hand side panel, select the child that you would like to enrol under 'View Children'
navigate to 'view children'

  1. Then, on the same panel select the tab 'make a booking'.

On that page you will be able to filter for specific levels, terms, times and days that suit you best

class booking page

3b. Once you have found a class that works for you, hit the green 'make a booking' button on the right hand side of the screen.

  1. The 'Book Student' Page will have general information of the class, a charge break down and a 'booking type' drop down.
  • Be sure to select 'Permanent Booking' to ensure your child is booked in for the remainder of the term.
  • Select Todays Date as the start date

4b. And select the green 'continue' button under 'start date'

view class details and booking types

  1. Double check all information is correct and hit 'continue' again on the right hand side to go to the next page
class summary - hit continue to proceed

7a. Select your payment type - either credit card or bank transfer and accept the terms and conditions below.

7b. If you have a first lap/active kids vouchers or discount code add it in to the appropriate boxes. Hit the green 'continue' button to move onto the payment page.

chose payment type

9a. To confirm your spot, the lessons will need to be paid for with either a credit card or a bank transfer; depending on what you selected on the previous screen.

  • If you'd like to book a second child in for swimming lessons, hit the yellow 'save and add another student' button

enter payment details and hit proceed

9b . Hit 'proceed' to pay for the lessons and confirm your spot. Hooray! You've just booked in for some swimming lessons!

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