How to Waitlist your child for a Class (on First Class)

During our peak times, our classes do fill up quite quickly. However, don't dismay!

Adding your child to a waitlist is a shore way to be notified when the class is available.

You can put your child on as many waitlists as you'd like - while keeping their current enrolment active.

  1. Log into the First Class Parent Portal using this link

  1. On the left hand side panel, select the child that you would like to waitlist under 'View Children'
select the child for a waitlist

  1. On that same panel, select the tab 'make booking'

3a. On that page, you'll be able to filter for specific levels, terms, times and days that you would like to waitlist for.

add filters for a class you want

3b. Once you have found a class that works for you, hit the red 'Join a Waitlist' button on the right hand side of the screen.

4a. The 'Book Student' Page will have general information of the class and a 'booking type' drop down.

  • Ensure that 'waitlist' is selected in the drop down to ensure your child is waitlisted for the class
  • Select Todays Date as the start date
  • Read through and tick the 'service agreement'

4b. Select the green 'confirm booking' button

  • If you would like to waitlist another child for a class you can select the yellow 'save and add another student' button
view class details and confirm booking!
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